[* ~Mew Mew Paradise~ *] ~ Where the light shines the brightest and darkness fades from your hearts...

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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Trying out a new blog. If this one succeeds then I will be using this one instead of my Xanga one. However, this one has much more problems than the Xanga blog, so i might reconsider...


Miaow grats on the new blog!

By Blogger Pudding, at April 5, 2007 at 11:05 PM  

Post something here!!! Comments: 1

[~Mew Mew~]

2:15 PM

[ ME !!! ]
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Name: Hui Wen~
Nick : Mew~ Mewie~(da CuTiEpIe~)

Watching animation
Surfing the net
Playing the guzheng and music

proud ppl
and alot more...

[*MEMORIES*] (previous posts)

Mew Mew MewMewMew Mew Mew MewMewMew Mew MewMewMew Mew MewMew Mew Mew Mew Mew.